cabbage for dogs

Can dogs eat cabbage?

Cabbage contains a lot of vitamins (K, C, B6, B1), fibre, it is also a good source of minerals such as manganese, copper and potassium, which are important in our diet. Cabbage contains antioxidants, which is why it is attributed with anticancer properties. It is healthy and safe for humans, but is it the same for dogs?

Can a dog eat green cabbage?

The answer is yes! Supplementing your dog’s diet with a green cabbage supplement is a good idea and has many health benefits for your pup. In addition to the anti-cancer properties mentioned above, cabbage can reduce the risk of heart disease and have a beneficial effect on your dog’s skin. The high fibre content has a beneficial effect on digestive processes and the digestive system of dogs. Cabbage will be a great addition, as will, for example, rice for your dog – if you decide to make homemade food for dog.

Can a dog eat red cabbage?

As with green cabbage, red cabbage is also safe for your dog. Of course, in a form that does not contain salt or spices, which are often added to cabbage salads and coleslaw on our table. Red cabbage also contains more antioxidants, which bind free radicals and reduce your dog’s risk of cancer.

Can a dog eat raw cabbage? Can a dog eat cooked cabbage?

Both forms of serving are acceptable. No heat treatment means more valuable ingredients for your dog, while cooked cabbage will be easier to eat and digest. It is worth mentioning at this point that although cabbage in a dog’s diet has many benefits, at the same time, you cannot overdo the quantity. Starting to feed your dog with cabbage should be preceded by a consultation with a vet. The safe amount we can give depends on the size of the dog, its activity, previous diet and any health problems.

Can a dog eat sauerkraut?

Yes, your dog can be fed sauerkraut, but you must not give it too much. Sauerkraut has a number of properties that help in the functioning of the dog’s body.

It has a positive effect on the digestive system – the “good” bacteria formed during the fermentation process help maintain intestinal health
Contains iron, which is one of the essential elements in the dog’s diet
Positively influences the circulatory system – due to probiotics, which help lower cholesterol levels in older or obese dogs. Sauerkraut can also help your dog lose weight.
Has a positive effect on eyesight, coat and skin – due to the vitamin A and carotene content
Strengthens immunity – high vitamin C content supports the dog’s immune system

Unfortunately, many dogs find the smell of sauerkraut discouraging and uninteresting. The solution to this problem may lie in the way it is administered. You could try adding a small amount of finely chopped sauerkraut to your dog’s wet food, or sometimes a small addition of fish with a strong smell can solve the problem.

Can cabbage be harmful to your dog?

As with humans, too much cabbage can cause stomach upset, bloating and gas. Another much more serious risk is the risk of causing hypothyroidism. However, this can only occur if large amounts of cabbage are given to your dog over many days. This is why it is so important to keep moderation and the right proportions. As with any other human food, if you are going to feed cabbage to your dog you should consult with your vet who will advise you on the right amount for your dog, taking into account your dog’s individual health.

The last thing to remember is to gradually introduce a new ingredient to the dog’s diet – so as not to cause “shock” in the dog’s digestive tract. We should also remember to avoid all spices.

Following these few basic rules of cabbage feeding, we can provide our pet with a great addition to its diet of many important ingredients!